Imaginary Friends

My beliefs and philosophy about life have changed over the years. Belief, being defined as the “acceptance of something for which the evidence remains unseen”. Recently, I have attracted the belief that the concept of god, or God, is simply a man-made creation to explain things misunderstood. When I was a child, I had many imaginary friends. Friends that I would tell stories to and about. To continue each story I would simply add, “and then” to the beginning of every new story line.

As I grew up through the influence of the Episcopal church, it was not much of a stretch to imagine many imaginary friends. God and the Holy Ghost were just two of them. Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny were just more imaginary friends who looked out for me, brought me free presents and who I must satisfy with my behavior in order to receive the valued gifts.

I tried religion for many years. In my forties and fifties, I embraced Christianity to the fullest. Over five years, I read the complete Bible five times; daily section by daily section. Never more than 2-3 days lapsed, and rarely three days, between readings. I had each day to meditate on what I had read. I even memorized passages and used them in my daily life. I joined non-denominational congregations to expand my knowledge and surround myself with like-minded Christians. I took part in church development, met with a minister weekly for early morning breakfast to include a mentor for my beliefs. I was wed in churches, prayed, thanked and ask God to bless my life every day. I spread the word and gave praise to the Almighty. I studied and practiced religion.

I don’t think there was a real turning event, born again, type until I felt betrayed by love itself. As I questioned the results of a life long belief in “love conquers all”, I began to question many of my beliefs. It finally dawned on me that I had entrusted my life to imaginary friends. I kept running into the concept that I should just believe. The most used reason was because I was just a human sinner and God was so much larger than myself and how could I possibly understand with my puny brain. It just smacks of the answers to how does Santa Claus fly around the world in one night and visit every living room.

There were some important people of influence that got me back to thinking, rather than blindly accepting. Sam Harris helped me revisit the understanding that all we have is this moment. We really don’t have the power to know who or what random thoughts are going to appear in our minds that we then think we had the power to create. The idea of free will came into question and therefore we are merely results of cause and effect, stretching back into time.

I arrived at the conclusion that myself, along with most humans want to believe in some external locus of control for our daily living sanity. If you don’t believe in something, you will fall for anything came into question. The essence of original sin that we cannot wash away, the rules and regulations of organized religion, the corruptness of churches worldwide, the killing in the name of some imaginary friend; all came spearheading to a point. The thought that my imaginary friend can beat up your imaginary friend struck a sad but funny chord with me.

The cruel tactics that parents and society put on children, in order to control them is astounding to me. We try to trick children and then laugh at their being gullible. We scare them with the Boogie man, the wrath of our ancestors, the all seeing eye that can punish for thoughts as well as deeds. We entice them with the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny. We laugh at their ignorance and form a group of co-conspirators by refusing to tell other parents children that those imaginary friends don’t exist.\r\n\r\nBut have a child confess that they have an imaginary friend that they talk to and play with, and parents fall back on. No, you don’t have imaginary friends. That’s crazy.

First Love

First Love

What if we’d never met?

What if we’d never kissed?

A first love would have still materialized.

And the emotion attached would still exist.

However, the universal connection of souls would have been altered.

How do we value one relationship to another?


Just a thought!

Never ending Love;

There are loves that are so sweet, that they should never be forgotten, no matter what the initial time continuum.

We need to nourish them, not condemn them, as some assassinators of truth.

If we are truly here for a short time, and our purpose is to experience as much bliss as possible, then, if we do not compromise trust and devotion, then we should be able to contain ourselves, morally, in order to drink in this dimension of time and space.

What fun!  What exciting anticipation!  Is it harmless?  I truly believe it is, in that no harm should come to others, emotionally, or physically.

Spirits can come together and, momentarily, spiral around each other, drinking in the moment.

Bald Eagle

Bird of the day for today, Sep 24 2015.  I was driving down Kelly Brewer toward the marina when from my left flew a Bald Eagle across an open area on my left, right in front of my truck and up over the trees to my right. It was amazing.Then as I went into town again an hour later, this little fawn showed up right near the road with it’s older sibling.

Then as I went into town again an hour later, this little fawn showed up right near the road with it’s older sibling.

September 2015

Hyco Lake has become my refuge of peace. It represents nearly all the things I have always wanted in the perfect retirement get away.

Here are some shots from the last weekend including a beautiful butterfly that kept me company while I changed the air conditioner on the top of the RV. I had to use a heavy rope to pull the A/C to the top, while carefully pulling the rope with the truck. MacGyver would be proud. Moved 300 lbs 15 feet up all by myself.

Workout Nordictrack

In my opinion, the best thing you can do for your future health is to get a good exercise method and do it until you can’t move anymore – and then keep going. I bought a new treadmill to stay fit. I really have no excuses anymore. I have time, money, space, great health to start. I have some goals of 17% body fat and 170 lbs. Excited! I am keeping the gym membership as well. $25/mo and great equipment. It is also a half hour to and from.

Dr. Wayne Dyer

Kids; we never know in advance how impactful things can be in the future. Cause and effect is ever present. One of the first books I read which was written by Wayne Dyer was Your Erroneous Zones. I began reading self-help books at about 7-8 yrs old. I found a book in my brother Mike’s bookshelf called How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie. Looking back, I know that reading that book gave me some confidence that needed to grow.

Dr. Wayne Dyer passed to the next adventure recently. As a small tribute to Wayne Dyer, I am confident that his wisdom has had a profound effect on my life. Most of my closest friends find his thinking resonating with some inner part of spirituality that we all have.

Thank you…thank you…thank you!

Hanging Rock, NC Sep 2015

Kids; there is just something special about driving the back roads of North Carolina into the foothills of the Piedmont. These are the parts of the backwoods people talk about in stories of the past. Middle of nowhere. Ahh…. but the beauty of the woods, foothills and new vista around the next curve in the road. I had heard much about Hanging Rock since arriving here a couple of years ago now. I finally took the time, with Mary’s coaxing, to take a hike up the foothill to the top. The hike was exhilarating and so worth the strain. The view is breathtaking.The crevice behind me is how people had to climb up to get to this point in the past. No thanks.Mary enjoying the view.

Summer Hummer

I just love taking pictures. I am taking a National Geographic photography course. Here are a couple of things I have learned about nature photography. BE PATIENT, number one. Use auto film speed, get as much depth of field as necessary, use a tripod, even if you think you are steady handed.

Anyway. Here is a Humming bird that guards the Hummingbird feeder hung in a nearby tree. I have never seen a Hummingbird sitting still, yet this guy sits above the feeder for hours. As soon as another Hummer comes down to drink, he chases them away, like it is his own. I have learned that Hummingbirds normally do not stay in one area, but migrate north and south with the seasons. I read that they remember where feeders are for them and that they feed on sugar water only enough to catch insects. Very interesting bird. A lot of people are totally addicted to them and their care.  They are very cute. The male has a bright red neck when he raises his head. It is yellow normally. The females are even smaller.