Off-Roading with RV

North Carolina summers start before June 21-22. By the first of June, everything has been in bloom for weeks. Music festivals start early and the campgrounds begin to fill up. What a perfect time to take the RV and travel across the northern region of NC.

This trip meant taking 704/770 to reach Mt. Airy, NC, the home of Andy Griffith and the story line of The Andy Griffith Show. Then, to take a look at Pilot Mountain, and Hanging Rock, before returning to base at Hyco Lake.

To see pictures of Pilot Mountain, click below;


Bryson City NC

Deep Creek Campground, Tom Branch Falls and Juney Whank Falls, Maggie Valley, Mushroom, Church, Cemetary, Filling Station Restaurant, Great Smokey Mountain National Park.

Hyco Lake June

Hyco Lake, NC in spring is amazing. The flowering trees, shrubs, bushes, myriad plants are daily examples of the miracles of nature. I have learned so many new facts about plants and animals that I have never experienced in such detail of study. Watching birds in their ingenuity at the feeder as they hammer a seed with their beaks. Smiling as I watch the wily squirrels try to get to the bird feeder, then outsmart me as they dangle upside down to grasp a seed from a tree branch. The herons fly by effortlessly throughout the day and force me to stop and look at their majestic manner. I am met daily by the Carolina wren as I open the door and hear “jimmy, jimmy, jimmy, jimmy. It puts a smile on my face. Here are some current pictures;