
  • expression.
  • jingle.
  • phrase.
  • rallying cry.
  • saying.
  • trademark.
  • byword.
  • catchphrase.
  • Idiom
  • proverb
  • shibboleth
  • watchword
  • war cry

It seems our lives are punctuated by single or short groups of words to describe our existence. We udder fine, ok, not bad, in response to how are you doing. Niceties are quickly shuttered aside in order to quickly reach the crutch of the matters at hand.

Hope you have a nice weekend, quite the lengthy conjecture, get the typical, U2. Feelings are manifested by a meme. Tweets are combinations of abbreviated cliche in combinations with hieroglyphs.

We are in fact infographics on display. It’s more than trite expressions or catchy outtakes. Colloquialisms abound in one generation, only to be replaced or adopted by the next rising replacements. Some singularities like “rad” die. Others, like “cool”, seem to be conveyed equally amongst multiple generations.

So, it has come to me that a book about Fourth & Goal and Force of Purpose should be a string of infographics. Pictures are worth a thousand words. There. I used a well-known phrase to compost multiple explanations down to a visual word picture. If I were to add a visual context to the phrase, I now would have a picture that conveys an expanding thought.

Infographic – Picture is worth a thousand words – #boomertozoomer

Rapidgo Driver Free Course Complete

I love trial and error, well not the error part so much. A culmination of struggles and triumphs has resulted in five lessons being created for the website Learning Management System LMS.

I look forward to looking back on this startup as both humorous and with pride.

Here are some lessons from youtube.

Brian Tracy Signs Success Manifesto

After the publishing of Success Manifesto, I added my name as an author of the book to Amazon. I was amazed that it was my responsibility to make that happen. Although there were chapters written by others, no one else had taken the initiative to make that happen.

I also sent two copies to Brian, one as my gift to him, and one for his signing and returning to me. My publisher also told me no one in the past had taken the initiative to do that as well. The first attempt of sending the package yielded no return and I contacted Brian’s office to follow up. Some confusion followed as to whether he had received it or not, so I sent a second package. Shortly thereafter I received a package with the signed copy with a note from the post office that the package had been damaged and sent to Atlanta, GA for damaged packages. It had taken two months for the signed book to arrive back to me in perfect condition. There must be a lesson in there somewhere. Along with the signed book, Brian took the time to write a hand-written personal note on his personalized note card as well.

So here is what Brian signed in the book to me;

Thank you, James; You are one the greatest talents in the world today. There is no limit to what you can accomplish in the year ahead. Kind regards; Brian Tracy.

And here is his note.