Summer Hummer

I just love taking pictures. I am taking a National Geographic photography course. Here are a couple of things I have learned about nature photography. BE PATIENT, number one. Use auto film speed, get as much depth of field as necessary, use a tripod, even if you think you are steady handed.

Anyway. Here is a Humming bird that guards the Hummingbird feeder hung in a nearby tree. I have never seen a Hummingbird sitting still, yet this guy sits above the feeder for hours. As soon as another Hummer comes down to drink, he chases them away, like it is his own. I have learned that Hummingbirds normally do not stay in one area, but migrate north and south with the seasons. I read that they remember where feeders are for them and that they feed on sugar water only enough to catch insects. Very interesting bird. A lot of people are totally addicted to them and their care.  They are very cute. The male has a bright red neck when he raises his head. It is yellow normally. The females are even smaller.

What are You Eating?

Sugar has the highest lobbying group next to military. Look at how much sugar is added to ketchup. One-third by weight is plain sugar. I say an interview with an executive of Heinz. They asked him why add sugar to a vegetable product. He just smiled and declined to answer. It is about profit and most people will choose sugar over no sugar. Here is a visual of how much sugar is in a few products.

Great Courses – Yoga

Keep moving, no matter what. When you don’t want to workout or exercise, do it as soon as you can. Don’t leave it for months at a time. I have made a point of getting a sweat up for most of my life. I know that sometimes it is difficult to get to a gym or to have exercise equipment in your house, however, it is so worth it.

I just got my blood work back recently. The results are amazing. I have extremely low C-Reactive Protein, >2.90. What that means is very low inflammation going on in my body. Inflammation is the cause of most aging disease. Exercise helps keep that low. I also have hurt myself moving my sister in and out of a car to the point that I could hardly move. Yet, within a few days, I am back up and on the treadmill. And for the record, I am on a testosterone prescription. I can only say that the difference is incredible, for all the right reasons. Strength, stamina, mental attitude – especially, weight control, hair loss, skin dryness.

I decided to start Yoga exercise for when I cannot get to the gym, however, I am already finding that the stress release benefit can be felt every day. I am excited to start a new chapter of exercise that I have always wanted to experience. Through the National Geographic, The Great Courses offer so many courses that I have wanted to learn. Now I can do that from wherever I am in the world. Check out what they offer.

National Geographic –  Great Courses – Yoga

Secrets of Living Longer

This life is not a dress rehearsal! Make every day count. I read this Time magazine this week and must say that it was a good read. Current information. Steps and examples of what to do to help enjoy a longer, more productive life. Definitely a read.

Cow Killer Wasp

Wow! Just Wow! So I look down and see this in the grass and think, how unusual, think I will try to capture it. Then sense grabbed my arm and said, hmmm… might want to ask Mr. Google about that before doing that. So I take a pic and ask Mr. Google. Holy Crap, it is dangerous as hell. Eastern Velvet Ant, which is not an ant, but a solitary wasp, whose sting can kill a cow.

What little kids are made of….

Kids; this put a huge grin on my face the other day and I had to include it in a post. Daughter Mary is in her, I hate my father mood again. She learned so well from her mother to disrespect men, which includes, especially her father. Her anger and hate have taken over her mind. What a sad loss for the next generation.
