Painting #1

It struck me yesterday that I have a talent for painting and that I need to create something now. I want this because I want the adrenalin rush of having said I would do it, do ti, and celebrate that I did it!  I know, pretty base ego-driven motivation? So what, it doesn’t hurt anybody else. It increases my self-esteem, which none of us has enough of. It leaves a possible teaching lesson for future generations. It’s free.

Imagine a painting of a storm over Roratonga, Cooke Islands at sundown. The sky is pink, there are some cumulus clouds with thin white tops to their silver lining edge.  The water, smashing into the shore line, is pink as well, from the setting sun. Only white wave caps break the continuity with the sky and clouds. A silhouette of palm tree stark-ens the pink contrast.

Now paint this picture.  Challenge accepted!

And then this one.