Durham Art Festival

Durham is a very liberal university city, as well as the heart of old tobacco families. Duke University is internationally famous for medical and many other fields of study. I remember wanting to apply to med school there until I found it was less expensive in Canada.\r\n\r\nHere are some shots of wandering around downtown during a recent art festival. It was so much fun and I got to spend time with Mary, who showed me around town.

    Durham Art Fest Mary

Fall at Hyco

The fall months in North Carolina are a cacophony of changes in colour and sound. Today is Remembrance Day in Canada and Veterans Day in the US. This is one of the days that Veterans fight for, and I am grateful for the freedom to enjoy it.\r\n\r\nIMGP471720141109_105616\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nHyco Nov 11 2014\r\n\r\nThis is a 6am B&W of Hyco Lake with fog.\r\n\r\nIMGP4734

Berlin Wall Came Down 25 Yrs Ago

I was stationed in Berlin for over two years. I was there to protect the freedom of Berlin.

While in Berlin, I began taking pictures, after being influenced by Gary Bolstad, who was, and is, quite a magnificent photography buff. Black & White film was all I could afford to develop in the military facility darkroom. I came upon the remnants of a fire in a downtown night club. It took quite some time in the dark room to get the large photograph to get the exact exposure to bring it alive. I liked this photo. The next was taken in a park in downtown Berlin. I watched a father and son spend some time together and took some shots. The father noticed and ask if I could sell him copies. I gave him three shots of him and his son. I thought this was rather pensive.


This picture was taken in E.Berlin in a back street.