All We Have is Now….and Now!

I am reading a book that Pankaj recommended to me, Time Basics by Jim Muncy. He tells stories to make points about time management. One that resonated with me was Michael Landon’s quote as he neared death.

“Someone should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life right to the limit, every minute of every day. Do it, I say! What ever you want to do, do it now! There are only so many tomorrows.”

One of the reasons that this reached my heart so vehemently is that I am currently creating a 90-day adventure program as recommended by Tim Ferris of the 4 Hour Work Week fame. This process requires that I revisit, as I often do, my goals and aspirations for the rest of my life. As I recently learned, my past is merely part of where I am going. All I have is now. Pankaj recommended a program for allocating time and resources to projects, called Hyper Plan. I have set it up with life goals and time line. Kind of like a giant Ganz chart. I like this program because it keeps things from falling through the cracks. It is much better than what I have been using.

When I wake up to this nearly every morning, I am really reminded of how grateful I am for what I have, right here, right now!

It is Always Now – Dec 1, 2019 – Transition of Molly Bitner – nee Frank – My Dear Sister