Vancouver Trip 1977

As you know, I love to travel. In 1977, four of us set out from Guelph to go to Vancouver on a road trip. I remember we were going to stop to see Carolyn Inch’s brother in the mountains of BC. It took us 3 days to get out of Ontario, due to van problems. I had bought the blue Econoline Van in Toronto after moving to Pape Ave with Andy and Penney. The first thing I had to do was to replace the engine with a rebuilt that I bought out of Montreal and installed in the backyard. It made the trip and got us home safely. Although, we did almost run out of gas in the middle of the night headed into Banff, AB. And then there was the time the column gear shift would not engage into second gear as Rick Paine was crossing a railroad track with a train about 50 feet down the track.

We got to Vancouver and visited Stanley Park for the first time in my life. The fact that I may have been on some mind-altering something only created a memory full of vividness.

Sitting on a tree stump in Stanley Park, wearing a suede shirt that I had made myself from scratch. I impress myself sometimes with my creativeness.

The van I bought and changed the engine, moved to Guelph, drove to Vancouver – this is BC backwoods.


Trip to Vancouver Liz Rick Carol

A couple of slide shots from the trip out.

3-29-2015_290Vancouver Trip Lizzie 1Stanley Park TelephoneStanley Park Black Bear