And The Times, They Are A’Changin’

After weeks of trying to get a handle on reaching the senior level, not without many hours of soul searching, I have concluded that I feel no older than forty.  In many ways, I feel even younger.

On my fortieth birthday, I was in Seoul, Korea on a buying trip for Lambda Crystal.  Molly had organized the staff to sign a birthday greeting piece of paper and faxed it to me.

That night, the owner of a gold chain manufacturing company insisted on taking me out to dinner for my birthday.  It went something like this.

Mr. Park would like to buy you a drink for your birthday.  Because he does not speak English very well, I will be his interpreter.

As we arrived at the picturesque Korean restaurant with private, floor-seated, dining rooms, I was more than a little surprised when the waiter placed a 40-ounce bottle of Chivas Regal 18-year-old scotch on the table with one glass.  Now the tradition is that the host pours the guest a drink, and then the guest pours the host a drink.  As Mr. Park was enjoying his custom, I was chagrined by the lack of a shot glass for him.  As I picked up the bottle, the interpreter, shook his head and said, oh no, Mr. Frank, his drink is being delivered, that bottle is for you alone!

Well, needless to say, the night became much more animated as both of us attempted each other’s language, which kept the interpreter in hysterics, and my host and I were having the best time of our lives.

The point is that a large part of me is still wanting those adventures, not knowing how it will turn out, but just loving the journey.  I add this video as a reminder of the everyday stuff that we let harm our being.

It is always now!