Senior Advocate Continues 2

I learned where and how to file a complaint regarding the poor, and often dangerous, care, my sister, Molly, has been receiving at a Meridian facility in Raleigh, called The Covington House. I have learned the criteria for a complaint, which my sister’s care qualified easily, the response times and procedures, how to obtain more information, and, as always, persistence pays off when it comes to bureaucracy.

One of the first things I have done, once I had been giving Power of Attorney for my sister’s affairs, was to get as much of her bill payment online as quickly as possible. I also have scanned all her bills and sent to her email. I have created a spreadsheet for all her income and debts and can monitor her bank accounts and credit cards.

I have located a government service that looks at what the individual has in terms of income and insurance, etc; and then recommends what coverage would be best suited. They also list all nursing homes and ratings by government monitoring agencies every three months.