What are You Eating?

Sugar has the highest lobbying group next to military. Look at how much sugar is added to ketchup. One-third by weight is plain sugar. I say an interview with an executive of Heinz. They asked him why add sugar to a vegetable product. He just smiled and declined to answer. It is about profit and most people will choose sugar over no sugar. Here is a visual of how much sugar is in a few products.

Great Courses – Yoga

Keep moving, no matter what. When you don’t want to workout or exercise, do it as soon as you can. Don’t leave it for months at a time. I have made a point of getting a sweat up for most of my life. I know that sometimes it is difficult to get to a gym or to have exercise equipment in your house, however, it is so worth it.

I just got my blood work back recently. The results are amazing. I have extremely low C-Reactive Protein, >2.90. What that means is very low inflammation going on in my body. Inflammation is the cause of most aging disease. Exercise helps keep that low. I also have hurt myself moving my sister in and out of a car to the point that I could hardly move. Yet, within a few days, I am back up and on the treadmill. And for the record, I am on a testosterone prescription. I can only say that the difference is incredible, for all the right reasons. Strength, stamina, mental attitude – especially, weight control, hair loss, skin dryness.

I decided to start Yoga exercise for when I cannot get to the gym, however, I am already finding that the stress release benefit can be felt every day. I am excited to start a new chapter of exercise that I have always wanted to experience. Through the National Geographic, The Great Courses offer so many courses that I have wanted to learn. Now I can do that from wherever I am in the world. Check out what they offer.

National Geographic –  Great Courses – Yoga

Secrets of Living Longer

This life is not a dress rehearsal! Make every day count. I read this Time magazine this week and must say that it was a good read. Current information. Steps and examples of what to do to help enjoy a longer, more productive life. Definitely a read.

Cow Killer Wasp

Wow! Just Wow! So I look down and see this in the grass and think, how unusual, think I will try to capture it. Then sense grabbed my arm and said, hmmm… might want to ask Mr. Google about that before doing that. So I take a pic and ask Mr. Google. Holy Crap, it is dangerous as hell. Eastern Velvet Ant, which is not an ant, but a solitary wasp, whose sting can kill a cow.

What little kids are made of….

Kids; this put a huge grin on my face the other day and I had to include it in a post. Daughter Mary is in her, I hate my father mood again. She learned so well from her mother to disrespect men, which includes, especially her father. Her anger and hate have taken over her mind. What a sad loss for the next generation.



Sometimes life just feels so good, I feel invincible. The last couple of days have resulted in what I am calling the Epic of my life. How many times in life can anyone actually say, with the conviction of emotion, that “I am the happiest I have ever been in my life.

I now have a permanent location in NC that I can use as a base for travel throughout the world, for the rest of my life. Freaking YAY