Welcome to my music room

I had the opportunity to decorate a wall for some musical instruments with which I have had the privilege of sharing very special times together for many moments of infinite pleasure.

Music has been my go to for as far back as I can remember – some of my earliest memories. I have made a habit of playing some instrument daily and have written many songs about my life.

Being at the right place at the right time.

I have often spoken about events in my life that have been pivotal or hinge points. It has come with an awareness of being in the here and now to recognize it for what it is and to know I was in the right place at the right time. It happened with Lambda Crystal when I saw the potential in Canada enough to start an importing company. That recognition led to over seventeen years of self-employment, an international business, global travel, fantastic life experiences both good and not so good.

I am excited about the potential of becoming an Amazon Partner in logistics and further developing a business income in the States as well as international expansion for Rapidgo. So many things to think about and consider.

My life is about to change significantly over the next while.

I got this! This moment has been made for me. So many things from years past have come together to define this moment in my life.

James, I am so proud of you!


Amazon Logistics dsp@amazon.com

Nov 3, 2018, 5:07 PM (13 hours ago)

to me

Congratulations! We have received an incredible response to the Amazon Delivery Service Partner program, resulting in a competitive selection process. We are very impressed with your qualifications and experience, and we are excited to inform you that you have been selected to move forward to the next step in the process.

As a next step, we will invite you for a phone interview with an Amazon team member within the next couple of months. You will receive an email to schedule a 30-minute interview closer to the relevant date.

You are not required to do anything at this time. Feel free to visit logistics.amazon.com to learn more about the program.

We look forward to learning more about you in the near future.


Amazon Logistics

Welcome Back James – Begin Again


Well, I made it through the anniversary of Mary’s transition. As I look at her pictures each day it doesn’t get much easier. I miss her very, very much. I have set a goal of honoring her every day for my next 90-Day Adventure. I started Jul 16, the anniversary of when she arrived in Raleigh. I have uploaded stories, pictures and videos for Clara to discover at some point in her life and will want to know more about her mother and the strength she imparted to her.

It has been nearly a year since I posted on my personal site. So many things have happened. I feel compelled to mention the success I had in transferring all my websites to a new hosting company. Growing and learning as I went. Challenges with the last company led to my inability to post online for many months. I am so excited to have a newer server with a good hosting company, Liquid Web.

So I am back to posting on my jameswmfrank.commemoratemylife.me site. Yay!

I will post on accomplishments since posting in 2017.

Brian Tracy Signs Success Manifesto

After the publishing of Success Manifesto, I added my name as an author of the book to Amazon. I was amazed that it was my responsibility to make that happen. Although there were chapters written by others, no one else had taken the initiative to make that happen.

I also sent two copies to Brian, one as my gift to him, and one for his signing and returning to me. My publisher also told me no one in the past had taken the initiative to do that as well. The first attempt of sending the package yielded no return and I contacted Brian’s office to follow up. Some confusion followed as to whether he had received it or not, so I sent a second package. Shortly thereafter I received a package with the signed copy with a note from the post office that the package had been damaged and sent to Atlanta, GA for damaged packages. It had taken two months for the signed book to arrive back to me in perfect condition. There must be a lesson in there somewhere. Along with the signed book, Brian took the time to write a hand-written personal note on his personalized note card as well.

So here is what Brian signed in the book to me;

Thank you, James; You are one the greatest talents in the world today. There is no limit to what you can accomplish in the year ahead. Kind regards; Brian Tracy.

And here is his note.


New Song

This morning I picked up my Martin guitar and wrote this song in less than 20 minutes. It came to me in it’s completed form. I wrote it down as it arrived in my consciousness.  Virtually no words were changed. No words were scratched out. I love the superconsciousness and my brain.


Momma’s in the middle

Poppa’s on top

All I can think about is please make this stop

I’m on the bottom

Not knowing what to do

I don’t know if I should love you

Or if I want to kill you


Come alive, my thunder rise

Please make me want to survive

Demons in the closet

Buring my heart

Taking years to the surface

The pain from the start

Did nothing to deserve it

I was just a kid

Wanting life to be better

Instead of what it is


Come alive, my thunder rise

To make me want to survive

He thought it’d make me better

To toughen me up

Adding rights to that wrong

Is just really messed up

I had to make a decision

This wasn’t my end

I’ve had to work on forgiveness

Just for survival again


Come alive, my thunder rise

To teach me how to survive

Believe you can and you’re half way there. T.Roosevelt

Toastmaster Ice Breaker

Tonight I gave my first Toastmaster speech, termed, Ice Breaker for the first talk. It is to introduce yourself and gain experience for the first time.\r\n\r\nI practiced what I wanted to say for days in advance, and then the day of, I actually recorded the time required to read the two and a half pages that I had written. Trepidation set in as I realized the talk was 2-3 minutes over the 4-6 minute window for delivery. Some discomfort tried to slip into my confidence until I focused on the fact that I already knew the longer version and that it would be less stress to deliver a shorter version. I just needed to chain-saw out some verbiage. It always seems to stretch my ego to carve out words that I have so brilliantly crafted and felt were the bare essentials. How remarkable that I have that feeling often when writing and rewriting material.

The Toastmaster instruction manual relates that it is usual to return to your seat realizing that you left out critical components. That certainly applied to me. On returning to my seat, I quickly reviewed my coveted written speech. To my chagrin, I realized I had left out more than one essential paragraph. Then it dawned on me that no one else would know what I inadvertently deleted. A truism for sure.

As expected by my psyche, the evaluation was full of praise. My evaluator was a long-term member of Toastmasters. He gave me accolades, however, none that matched his closing. He exclaimed; “I am an educator and all I can say is A+. That had a profound effect on me. It gave me extreme confidence and coalesced my return to the US as a new and profound acceptance of my talents and commitments to self-improvement and success.  My new persona is nearly complete. I am now a Speaker and Author.