Secrets of Living Longer

This life is not a dress rehearsal! Make every day count. I read this Time magazine this week and must say that it was a good read. Current information. Steps and examples of what to do to help enjoy a longer, more productive life. Definitely a read.

Cow Killer Wasp

Wow! Just Wow! So I look down and see this in the grass and think, how unusual, think I will try to capture it. Then sense grabbed my arm and said, hmmm… might want to ask Mr. Google about that before doing that. So I take a pic and ask Mr. Google. Holy Crap, it is dangerous as hell. Eastern Velvet Ant, which is not an ant, but a solitary wasp, whose sting can kill a cow.

What little kids are made of….

Kids; this put a huge grin on my face the other day and I had to include it in a post. Daughter Mary is in her, I hate my father mood again. She learned so well from her mother to disrespect men, which includes, especially her father. Her anger and hate have taken over her mind. What a sad loss for the next generation.



Sometimes life just feels so good, I feel invincible. The last couple of days have resulted in what I am calling the Epic of my life. How many times in life can anyone actually say, with the conviction of emotion, that “I am the happiest I have ever been in my life.

I now have a permanent location in NC that I can use as a base for travel throughout the world, for the rest of my life. Freaking YAY

To Change Your Life, Change Your Life!

This is probably one of the most legendary events and stories of my life. It involves a person who had such profound influences in my personal growth and mental survival, Brian Tracy.

It started when Keith Howard, a Lambda sales rep, gave me a copy of bootleg tapes by Brian Tracy on the Psychology of Selling. I took those 12 tapes with me to the Montreal Gift Show in about 1983. Since my French language was not enough to hold an in depth discussion of crystal and how to sell it, I would let my local French speaking sales reps handle the show and I would be there to meet with the largest customers. With time on my hands, I took the tapes, and the first laptop computer to a lovely hotel and sat in a room and transcribed the entire set of tapes. At the end, I internalized the material and applied the sales techniques to the subsequent trade shows. The results were incredibly amazing! I sold three and four times previous sales.

Several months later, I discovered on my brother Mike’s bookshelf, a set of tapes called the Psychology of Achievement by Brian Tracy. I borrowed them and transcribed much of the material to apply to my life. One of the most profound exercises from Brian was a list of personal goals, including what would you do if you had six months to live. I shortened it to what would I do if I had 60 minutes to live. You can answer that for yourself.  All I can say is that if I were not with the most important people in my life, I would surely be in communication with those people. It dawned on me that if they were that important to me, then why was I spending all my time not with them.

I later attended Brian Tracy seminars and became a facilitator for his material. I traveled to San Diego and spent an entire week in a small room at his headquarters, with Brian speaking to 7-8 trainers. Awesome!

Recently, I reminded myself that it is past time to revisit his material on achievement.

It’s a Good Day!

I love waking up with a positive song in my head. THAT does not happen often, I can tell you that for sure.

I love the silliness of this Rodgers and Hammerstein, Cinderella and Fairy Godmother duo.


Impossible, for a plain yellow pumpkin to become a golden carriage.

Impossible, for a plain country bumpkin and a prince to join in marriage

And four white mice will never be four white horses

Such fol-der-ol and fid-dle-dy dee of course, is— Impossible!

But the world is full of zanies and fools

Who don’t believe in sensible rules

And won’t believe what sensible people say.

And because these daft and dewey-eyed dopes keep building up impossible hopes, Impossible things are happening every day.

Tough Times Never Last, Tough People Do!

The times I am going through right now reminds me of my dad, or pop, as we all called him. As a child, I remember him saying that sometimes you have to be “hard-nosed”. I smile as I realize that I thought the saying had something to do exclusively with his nose. You see, my dad had a real schnoz.

I realize also that his hard nose policy got him through many things in life, including a handicapped child, cancer, divorce at 80 years of age. Whether it worked for him in all life situations is a good question. All I know for sure is that I adopted the same method of dealing with difficult situations.