Evening With Jake Shimabukuro

This was an amazing concert at the Carolina Theater with Jake Shimabukuro. I recently was turned on to his music and was inspired to buy a Ukulele. The first song I found on YT was Over the Rainbow. I was hooked. I will post my take some time. I am loving the Durham area for nightlife. Check out some of Jake’s latest material as he has been influenced by three years on the road with 160 concerts a year around the world. He is quite the spirit. Enjoy!

His FB is excellent. – Jake Shimabukuro

Thanks to Jake Shimabukuro. When he turns to heavy pedals, it really is like Jimi Hendrix on ukulele. Check out his latest material.

By Saying Yes, What Am I Saying No To

By reading Time Basics, I revisited an old adage, by saying yes to one thing in my life, what am I saying no to at the same time? It goes along with my method of creating urgency in my current life. I put 96 marbles into a jar, representing the next 8 years of my life in months. Each day, I look at the current marble on top of the jar to remind myself that when that month is over, and I toss the marble away, I can never regain the time I used. It is gone forever! The question is then, what did I do with that limited time? What did I say yes to, at the expense of something I am saying no to at the same time? Very interesting observation and awareness. I love life!