Rapidgo Driver Community Begins

As most inventive ideas come from frustration, the manifestation of Rapidgo Driver was no different.

For many years I had drivers call me wanting a job to drive for Rapidgo Inc. Each time, I would patiently explain the type of vehicle they would need, the type of insurance they would need and may other basic lessons they would need to start as a delivery driver. Over the years, I often voiced that I should create a course and have them take it before calling me back.

Well, I finally did it. I create an educational website for all the folks that want to earn money as a delivery driver of some kind.

Check out the current stage of the site, as it changes rapidly…get it?

Rapidgo Driver Free Course Complete

I love trial and error, well not the error part so much. A culmination of struggles and triumphs has resulted in five lessons being created for the website Learning Management System LMS.

I look forward to looking back on this startup as both humorous and with pride.

Here are some lessons from youtube.


Launch of Rapidgo Global Logistics Corp.

It struck me this afternoon about 3pm what my next business move would be. I might never have made the decision had it not been for adversity, the father of invention.

The feeling of being at the right time at the right place was overwhelming. As Brian Tracy once remarked, when the flash happens you immediately need to run to the bathroom. It strikes a such a gut level of human emotion and psychological empowerment.

I waited to tell Mary until we were going out to dinner. Her perfect response. This is so perfect for you.

Meet Me in Memphis

I went to Memphis for the next music history of the US on my mission to visit all the cities where American music got it’s start.

Memphis had one of the most impactful days of my life thus far. That’s another story for another day. Thanks, Mary

Here is the muscian that gave me a tour of the city and played music on the bus. Amazing guy!

Music Room Sign

I was so excited when this wall art arrived. I had a vision that this would look cool.

Music Room Wall art with most of my instruments.

Welcome to my music room

I had the opportunity to decorate a wall for some musical instruments with which I have had the privilege of sharing very special times together for many moments of infinite pleasure.

Music has been my go to for as far back as I can remember – some of my earliest memories. I have made a habit of playing some instrument daily and have written many songs about my life.

A Rainbow Came Visiting Today

I arrived home to Windy Heron today and it was raining fairly hard from the airport. Most of the afternoon it was socked in. By late afternoon the clouds broke to the southwest. I wondered out to the veranda and noticed the break in the clouds and came in to tell Mary a rainbow would be arriving soon. No sooner did I say that then an extremely bright rainbow appeared to the northeast across the lake. As Mary said look at that we followed the rainbow to the ground at the point of the property near the aging magnolia tree near the lake edge. We decided to just enjoy the moment rather than rush to get a picture. That sight will forever be in my mind as that is the first time we have seen a rainbow near that portion of nearby land and from that direction. It was as if we were being told that we have the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.