What If We Are Aliens?

What if we are nothing but an experiment by our creators. What if one of us begins to discover it through flashbacks and flash throughs to the real truth of our existence, We are all being controlled through the electronic gadgets, surroundings, cameras, internet, etc? the idea is that we are being controlled and manipulated for their amusement and discovery of science in the universe.\r\n\r\nAre they any more benevolent than an experimenter in a lab? And they are all laughing!

Best Summer Ever!

Kids; this is the story about the best summer of my life. Think about how you would define the best summer of your life.  What would you want be doing? Where would you want to be? How would you life look if you could design the best summer ever?\r\n\r\nThe summer of 2014 is that for me, and much more.\r\n\r\nIt began when I moved my RV from Youngsville, NC to HYCO Lake, NC, outside of Roxboro.  It was the beginning of March 2014 when Mary Mount invited me to move into the Temboli Manor. I had no idea how my life would change.\r\n\r\nIt had not taken long for my affection for Mary Mount to thicken, like melted milk chocolate that turns to creamery delight as it cools. I found myself wobbling back and forth between pinching myself to make sure it was reality, and losing myself in the delirium of happiness. To say I was scared, is an understatement.  To say I was grateful is also an understatement. I felt like Peter Pan returning to Never, never land – not wanting to wake up and definitely not wanting to return to grownup world.\r\n\r\nI love the sunrises over Hyco Lake. The stillness of the water as the sky turns pink and mirrors the exact same colour on the surface of the lake. It often reminds me of a puzzle with the reflection off the water of the sky and trees around the scene.\r\n\r\nThe birds are an amazing cacophony of sounds in the morning. I have identified about 15 different species. It has been such a learning experience to watch the ecology change over the summer months. I watched Mallard Ducks mate and have their young. Unfortunately, I have witnessed the natural ebb and flow of life as young ducks disappear. From Hummingbirds, Carolina Wren, Cowbirds, Finches, to Osprey, Hawks, and Great Herons. It has been a joy to experience nature so closely, so intimately as never before.\r\n\r\nSome of the things that have made it so wonderful: sleeping out on the veranda and listening to the lake and forest go to sleep and wake up again, see the sunrises and sunsets, watching the space station pass overhead multiple times, all the flowers and vegetables grown this summer, all the photos of so many things, kayaking around the lake, gardening, lying in the sun, trimming the trees and bushes, writing in my blog, playing music, drawing, writing songs, developing CML, and most importantly, spending time with probably the most amazing lady I have ever met – Mary Mount.\r\n\r\n 

CML Takes a Breath

As you know, I am a dreamer and idea guy. Some time ago I came up with an idea that I felt would be a game changer for many people around the world.

Today I hired a virtual assistant, something I have wanted to do for many years. The first thing she is going to do is market research on Commemoratemylife.me, (CML). This is very exciting to see other people interested in this incredible project.  I have also talked to, and will be hiring, a website developer that will charge by the hour and the page to get things started. THIS IS IT!

Hyco Area

Just hanging out and exploring the countryside.Hyco Lake from dock

Honey Suckle

Dogwood Tree in Spring Bloom

Snake in water. Moth balls mak’em leave

Southern Bottle Tree 

Muffler Christian couple with flag

Local Folk art a’plenty

Local General Store

Old Coke office with crosses

Antiques everywhere

Begin Again 2014

It always surprises me, and I am not sure why, that when it is time to begin again, to wipe the slate clean and start over at any time, I seem to need some outside source to get me to see it all over again as something new, yet not new at all.

Yesterday was one of those events.  I met with a Duke University psychologist to try to get a handle on some confusing issues that was leaving me stuck in negative emotions for more time than I wanted to waste.

His advice was  I know, begin again. Imagine being at the beginning of a new conveyor belt, and I can go in any direction, or not. The choice is mine. As always, I choose forward with the necessary changes to have more fun and enjoy the life I have.  All we have is NOW!

It is said that people feel peace-of-mind to the extent that they feel in control of their lives. This should really be in control of their attitude, that illusive being that functions as both brake and accelerator of our happiness.

An interesting thing, depression. When someone can change their attitude so quickly, and often so effortlessly, by such simple things as answering the phone or gaining some input from outside influence. The difference for deep depression is that no input gets through. It acts like a secret dark veil that shrouds our minds to the point of numbness to all stimulus.


Off-Roading with RV

North Carolina summers start before June 21-22. By the first of June, everything has been in bloom for weeks. Music festivals start early and the campgrounds begin to fill up. What a perfect time to take the RV and travel across the northern region of NC.

This trip meant taking 704/770 to reach Mt. Airy, NC, the home of Andy Griffith and the story line of The Andy Griffith Show. Then, to take a look at Pilot Mountain, and Hanging Rock, before returning to base at Hyco Lake.

To see pictures of Pilot Mountain, click below;


Bryson City NC

Deep Creek Campground, Tom Branch Falls and Juney Whank Falls, Maggie Valley, Mushroom, Church, Cemetary, Filling Station Restaurant, Great Smokey Mountain National Park.

Hyco Lake June

Hyco Lake, NC in spring is amazing. The flowering trees, shrubs, bushes, myriad plants are daily examples of the miracles of nature. I have learned so many new facts about plants and animals that I have never experienced in such detail of study. Watching birds in their ingenuity at the feeder as they hammer a seed with their beaks. Smiling as I watch the wily squirrels try to get to the bird feeder, then outsmart me as they dangle upside down to grasp a seed from a tree branch. The herons fly by effortlessly throughout the day and force me to stop and look at their majestic manner. I am met daily by the Carolina wren as I open the door and hear “jimmy, jimmy, jimmy, jimmy. It puts a smile on my face. Here are some current pictures;