Durham Art Festival

Durham is a very liberal university city, as well as the heart of old tobacco families. Duke University is internationally famous for medical and many other fields of study. I remember wanting to apply to med school there until I found it was less expensive in Canada.\r\n\r\nHere are some shots of wandering around downtown during a recent art festival. It was so much fun and I got to spend time with Mary, who showed me around town.

    Durham Art Fest Mary

Fall at Hyco

The fall months in North Carolina are a cacophony of changes in colour and sound. Today is Remembrance Day in Canada and Veterans Day in the US. This is one of the days that Veterans fight for, and I am grateful for the freedom to enjoy it.\r\n\r\nIMGP471720141109_105616\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nHyco Nov 11 2014\r\n\r\nThis is a 6am B&W of Hyco Lake with fog.\r\n\r\nIMGP4734

Berlin Wall Came Down 25 Yrs Ago

I was stationed in Berlin for over two years. I was there to protect the freedom of Berlin.

While in Berlin, I began taking pictures, after being influenced by Gary Bolstad, who was, and is, quite a magnificent photography buff. Black & White film was all I could afford to develop in the military facility darkroom. I came upon the remnants of a fire in a downtown night club. It took quite some time in the dark room to get the large photograph to get the exact exposure to bring it alive. I liked this photo. The next was taken in a park in downtown Berlin. I watched a father and son spend some time together and took some shots. The father noticed and ask if I could sell him copies. I gave him three shots of him and his son. I thought this was rather pensive.


This picture was taken in E.Berlin in a back street.


Sister Molly Story Telling About Mom

On Holloween 2014, I sat with my sister, prior to the stroke that robbed her of her life from that moment on. Her grandchildren were manning the beggars’ night visitors, while we talked. I asked her about mom’s early childhood and recorded her answer. I am so glad I did, and then to add to my site for the family to enjoy and learn from. Love you to the moon and back, my big sister.

Turn the Quiet Up

 Hyco Hammick

\r\nSometimes, ya just gotta stop to smell the roses and all that goes with it. Nothin’ better than lying in a hammock by a lake and watching the clouds go by. Every once in a while, you can hear a bass jump out of the water. The sound of a Osprey or Hawk occasionally pierce the air. The wind rustles in the trees. The sound of squirrels scurrying overhead and the far off flying Canada Geese honking at the front-runners in the flock. Ahh…just the best summer of my life.