4th of July

Rainbows, Hail, and Flowers, of course!

I have never seen the two ends of a rainbow at the same time. Here are two events that happened in the last few days.

Of course, in order to get a rainbow, you must have a little rain….and hail!


Where there is rain, there are also flowers!

Rain also can bring lightning…huge lightning.  Lightning that hit a tree about 50 feet from my RV.  Yup, scared the bejesus out of me. The split down the entire tree to the base. And the wind blew down thousands of trees in the area.

Tibetan Carpet

When I started wholesaling crystal in gift shows in Canada in the mid-seventies, I would meet characters from all over the world. There were so many interesting stories about their travels and the products they discovered and brought back to sell for a profit. One world traveler spent quite some time in Tibet.

He brought back hand woven carpets that were pieces of art, not be used for walking on. I have kept this for many, many years. Recently, I let it join the collection of worldly possessions which I have let go to make way for a smaller footprint.

He also imported beautiful hand painted lacquer boxes. Gold paint and hand lacquered over with their fingers, not a brush or spray.

Introducing Clara Sophia

The role of parents is to give unconditional love and do whatever it takes to increase every child’s self-esteem. I am so proud of my daughter Mary and Clara. What a journey the universe brings to spiritual beings.


I was raised to love my parents, no matter what they did to me. At what point does parenting cross the line to abuse and trauma?  Sorry just does not cut it. I have lived my life, as well as my siblings, always trying to overcome the PTSD that resulted from being beaten as a child. I am not talking about a small pat on the butt to get me out of the street and back on the sidewalk.

I am talking about being hit so hard with the back of my father’s hand at the dinner table that my chair flew backward and I landed on the floor. Not a word was spoken by anyone at the dinner table. I picked up my chair and began eating again.  After what seemed like an eternity, my father said, “Don’t have your hand on your glass and eat at the same time, it shows you are too anxious about life.” He would repeatedly tell me that I needed to learn the lessons quickly because he was old and didn’t have enough time to teach me over again.

Several thoughts have emerged as a result of this past weekend being Mother’s Day and so many social venues almost piffle over how much people loved their mothers and how much mothers love their children. Was it love from my mother that allowed her to stand in the kitchen preparing dinner while my father had my brother and I on a fold out couch with our bare asses exposed, while he beat us with a 2×10, so he could hit us both at the same time? Was it love that allowed her set dinner and sit quietly as my brother and I were forced to sit at the table, humiliated, abused, traumatized and in desperate need of comfort and affection from a nurturing parent?

First Sleep Out!

There ain’t nothing better than the first sleep out of the season. Takes me back to great times as a child. Whether it’s a hammock or a mattress on a veranda, looking at the stars just before I close my eyes, and then to wake up and look up to see the stars again…sweet life itself. And when I play my new Martin in the candle lit darkness, a total feeling of contentment soothes me.

  And then in the morning, to shower outside, umm….so relaxing. I love warm weather at Hyco.

Spring Babies!

With Spring comes the newness that blankets the world with hope. Canadian geese slowly traverse the lake, looking very proper and I imagine they are the guardians of the lake. So many chicks this year.

Hunting as a Pastime

As you know, I love to take pictures. Well, I went out huntin’ last night at the end of the drive at Hyco and had a conversation with this critter that moved so fast, it was just a blur.